Do not question the RX. Big brother is watching.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Some people have honest questions about sportsbooks but if the book is paying the RX dollars I would not ask. BHB has been down close to three weeks but guys are getting banned that question why. Shrink makes a claim that he's putting money in Pinnacle to back Rio but will not come in and explain why Pinnacle has no knowledge of this. All we want to know is if our money that we deposit and win is safe or not. I don't think that's too much too ask but be careful if you do. You may not last long enough to see the answer if one is even given.

New member
Mar 20, 2002
I don't like to post in climate of fear either raiders.

We might not be viewed as the enemy, but whenever I start censoring myself (beyond my own think a couple times before I post something), I think it is time to move on. Not worth our time.

I personally have issues with the way both this board and Major operates. I do think Major is softer on advertisers. Both do things I don't like, but I don't have to worry about what I post at Major.

I guess we will see how this all sorts out. Hopefully this drama is the biggest issue that hits offshore as this year ends. Would be better that it is this than shops going down.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
You sure hit the nail on the head lakerfan. I was afraid to make my post in offshore and even now wouldn't be surprised if the mods are mad because I have questions on the security of the player's money.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Laker, post where you are most comfortable but obviously you have nothing to worry about. No one wants a poster to be the dreaded "kiss-ass" but this is getting out of hand, some are only here to incite trouble. I am sure you can see the difference. I didn't ban Major for instance but he sure deserved it. Some of you complain about slander but fail to see what Russ has done to Rio for example? Absolutely pitiful. He knows good and well what every single person in this industry has said about Rio, he knew it long before Spiro said anything in chat. For us to allow him to come over and rip these guys to shreds every day is not right. He can't see his own advertisers going down and stealing our money but can magically see the one's not paying him any longer? LOL. It would almost be comical if he wasn't hurting innocent people with his agenda. It's not right for us to allow a site owner to extract his personal revenge from an advertiser for not renewing with him. He's got a forum he can use for that bully stuff, doesn't need to be here. Anyway thanks for the feedback, we don't want to ever cut off opinions but we will get rid of some of these troublemakers.

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